Alumni Association Charter Changes
Latest Update from the GA 2014
During homecoming at the General Assemby on Saturday, the 20th of Sept 2014, on campus, the following version of the Charter has been adopted.
The General Assembly decided to limit the number of terms of office an auditor can serve to two consecutive terms. Therefore the proposed Charter, in §10 Auditors, has been changed FROM “ The auditors shall not be members of the incumbent Board .” TO “ The auditors shall not be members of the incumbent Board and shall not hold more than two consecutive terms of office. ”
Alumni Association Charter Changes
Dear fellow Alumni,
Some of our projects are slowly turning into operational business, while new challenges keep us on our feet. One could say, we are slowly growing up.
Therefore, in the past months, we have worked on modifying the Charter of our Alumni Association.
Some of the aims of the proposed Charter changes consist of
- decreasing bureaucracy
- facilitating donations from alumni to the association and the university
- increasing flexibility to add supporting members to the board
- simplifying the election process and
- clearly formulating a framework for streams of income via fees, which were generally approved at the GA of 2008
For an overview of the proposed Charter Changes and respective FAQs, please download the attached document FAQ Charter Changes.
Please note: We have worked on finally being an Association that is non-profit, in German “gemeinnützig”, by law. For this to happen, the preamble of the old Charter had to be deleted.
Here is the proposed English version of the Charter and the proposed English version containing tracked changes to allow for a comparison of the new and old version.
Here is the proposed German version of the Charter and the proposed German version containing tracked changes to allow for a comparison of the new and old version.
We are always interested in your feedback!
You are invited to contact Devashish at at any time for further information.
For your criticism or further suggestions, please make sure to voice your concerns and suggestions at the latest by 31st of Aug. 2014, noon CET, to allow for a response on time.
We hope to see you during the General Assembly and thank you for your feedback.