Homecoming 2015

The Homecoming Organization Committee can’t wait to see you for Homecoming from 25th – 27th of September on campus. And we are sure many of your former classmates can’t wait either: For the second time two classes, 2005 and 2010, are going to celebrate their 10th, and respectively, 5th anniversary. With Alexander, Amy, Devashish, Jan-Dirk, Julia, Kiran, Neil, Nitin, Ralina, Razvan, Stefan, Stefy, Suna, and Tasaffy we have a committed team to bring a most memorable event this fall.

On this page you will find the most up-to-date information. In order to register scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the various ticket options. Below you can find the schedule of the event and a description of it. There is also a list of FAQs. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the main organizers, Neil Dsouza (Class of 2005), Suna Turhan (Class of 2010), Stefan Rustler (Class of 2012). Questions related to the registration process and accommodation should be addressed to homecoming@jacobs-alumni.de.

Homecoming Agenda

Agenda Homecoming 2015


  • The exact schedule for the open lectures is not out yet but will be posted here as soon as it is.
  • At the Career Symposium, which was initiated by the Career Service Center of Jacobs last year, selected alumni speakers and other company representatives present their company and participate in a panel discussion on the topic “The Impact of Transdisciplinarity”. All other alumni can register via this link to receive name tags so they can represent their company at the networking event with students after symposium.
  • TheOtherSide opens its doors early this Friday to welcome alumni with a good old Beck’s beer and delivered pizza.


  • For the General Assembly of the Jacobs Alumni Association both university representatives and board members of the association give updates and ask for feedback of alumni. You can find the agenda for the GA here.
  • Campus tours for partners are offered during the assembly. Please indicate your partner’s participation in the registration process.
  • This year’s lunch is planned to be a “Chill and Grill“-event by the Campus Center. The coffee shop as well as the Jacobs Store are open as well.
  • The Jacobs Games (formerly Olympix) are held during the weekend. The schedule can be found here. If you are interested in joining one of the grad/alumni teams, please get in touch with Stefy (Class of 2010).
  • The anniversary classes of 2010 and 2005 are invited to the formal anniversary dinner on campus.
  • Current and former members of TheOtherSide present the theme party “From Athens to Rio”, combining the Olympix spirit and summer party tunes. Check out the party flyer here.


  • Alumni can meet in the servery of Nordmetall – the fourth college – for the Hangover Brunch and make sure they take proper farewell to everybody.
  • For all those that still have some energy left, the Jacobs Games are continuing with hockey, frisbee, and tug of war. All final matches and performances are scheduled in the afternoon and evening.


I’m having trouble to log in. How do I set up a new account or reset my password?

If you are unsure about your log in details, make sure you type in your username as ppan@jacobs-alumni.de (for Peter Pan) as well as trying to log in on mail.jacobs-alumni.de first, before getting in touch with us via support@jacobs-alumni.de. We can then send you your username and new password. If you are still experiencing any trouble, you can make your reservation via e-mail to homecoming@jacobs-alumni.de.

I am not part of Class of 2005 or 2010. Can I still join the event?

Absolutely! Homecoming is an event for all Jacobs alumni – and their partners. That includes recent graduates and also exchange students. The major difference for the anniversary class is that they will have a formal dinner on Saturday evening.

Can I bring my partner and my kids?

We are aiming to make this year’s Homecoming family-friendly. So of course you can register your partner with the event. Just purchase two appropriate tickets in the shop at the bottom. During the General Assembly, to which all alumni are invited, campus tours will be offered for non-alumni, i.e. partners and friends. Furthermore, there will be a free child care option – “Jacobs Kids” the kindergarten on campus – available upon request. To make sure your partner and/or child is/are properly registered with everything, fill out the information under “Additional Information” in the checkout step during the registration.

What’s this year’s theme?

With this year’s theme “Then and Now” we would like to take the chance to bring back memories from old times on campus, either as an IUB or as a Jacobs student: Attend lectures with your old professors, join the formal dinner – this year on campus, and party it up with students and alumni alike. However, the theme also wants to recognize the current times: Join the Career Symposium, get first-hand updates from the university, and simply catch up with the many alumni. Nostalgia for the past and appreciation of the present – Homecoming 2015 will have it all.

Will there be any sports activities?

We are lucky to have Olympix – now “Jacobs Games” – taking place on the same weekend as Homecoming. Alumni are invited to join the “graduate teams” and be once again part of this crazy competition. Drop an e-mail to Stefy (Class of 2010) to if you are interested. The sports event is only complete with a grand party on Saturday night. For this current and former members of TheOtherSide are teaming up to present to you the theme party “From Athens to Rio”. This will also be a tribute to the class of 2005, which started TheOtherSide and brought theme parties to campus.

Where can I RSVP for Homecoming and check who else is coming?

To RSVP for Homecoming, please visit the Facebook page of the event. Note that you have to be a member of the “Jacobs University Alumni”-group in order to do so. Also note that RSVPing on the Facebook page does not officially register for the event.

What ticket options are there and what are the prices?

This year there will be four ticket options: You can choose whether to join the formal dinner for classes 2005 and 2010, and whether you need accommodation. For transparency purposes, we would like to make sure you understand the composition of cost-items which lead to different ticket options. We are grateful to be partially subsidized by the university so we can offer reduced prices. Furthermore, for the first time ever registrations and payments will be handled directly by the Alumni Association on the online shop at the bottom of this page.

How can I purchase meals on campus without the “Campus All-In”-option?

Only the “Campus All-In” ticket option, i.e. accommodation on campus, comes with full board in the serveries. The other two ticket options, “Anniversary Special + Events” and “Events Only”, only include the “Chill & Grill” BBQ and/or the formal anniversary dinner. If you still want to purchase meals in the serveries, you can get a guest-meal-card at the porters and top it up with money yourself. Please note that a 10€ deposit is required and that there is only one vending machine (accessible 24/7). Unused money can be withdrawn from the vending machine upon return.

When will registrations open and close?

Registrations and payment is now open in the online shop at the bottom of this page. Early-bird registrations with a 10%-discount are possible until the end of August. General registration will end on September, 21st. Cancellations after this deadline cannot be fully refunded. There three payment options: bank transfer, PayPal and PayPal with credit card. You will get a first confirmation upon online submission of your registration. Only the second confirmation sent upon completion of the payment, confirms your participation entirely.

I will need a visa to enter Germany and join the event. What do I do?

Invitation letters for those who need visas for Germany are organized by Neil Dsouza, Class Rep of Class 2005. Please contact him by the end of July at ndsouza@jacobs-alumni.de if you need an invitation letter. Please inform yourself in advance how long it takes to get a visa for Germany and take appropriate measures to ensure to be able come to Homecoming.

How can I make a donations?

Donations will be possible during the reunion dinner through credit card payment. A new system will be announced, which will replace the Alumni Scholarships that reunion classes have funded so far. Additional fees might apply when paying through credit card.

Can I get accommodation on campus?

There will be accommodation available on campus. Both the guest rooms and free rooms in the colleges are reserved. There are 48 single rooms and 8 double rooms which will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis. To register for a double room, please make sure to enter your partner’s name in the respective field under the “Additional Information” in the checkout step of the registration. If the double rooms are sold out, we will try to allocate you in two adjacent single rooms. For any further questions on accommodation, please contact homecoming@jacobs-alumni.de.

What about accommodation off-campus?

You can – and possibly should – book accommodation in any hotel there is in Bremen, preferably well advance, as rooms are booked out quickly. We encourage you to also get in touch with your former host family in Bremen. Maybe you can arrange a night or two with them.

Where can I get my Welcome Package and what is in it?

The Welcome Packages will be ready at TOS during the Friday night Bar Chill-Out. If you are arriving late, you can also pick them up Saturday morning in the Krupp Servery during breakfast. The package will include your wristband to get your meals from the servery (if you have chosen the “Campus All-In”-option), prints of all schedules and a few surprise goodies;)


Ticket Shop

Note: Accommodation on campus is currently all taken, so the two packages with “Campus All-In” are not available anymore.

General sales period: Until September 21st, 2015 (full refund only when cancelled before Sep 18th)

Cannot see the shop? Make sure you are logged! Here is what you should see and here what the prices entail. You can also make your reservation via e-mail until our IT-support has sorted out your technical issue.