Alumni Board Election Results 2014-2017

At the last General Assembly (during Homecoming 2014), four board positions and two auditor positions were put to vote following up on the electronic votes placed earlier – Vice President, Assessor PR / Communication, Assessor Event Management, Assessor Special Projects and two Auditors. As in the past, some positions saw great competition and we are thrilled with the engagement of the alumni and the willingness of the candidates to contribute their time and expertise to growing the strength of the Alumni association. The following applicants deserve congratulations for their engagement: Daniel Garcia, Mitul Jain, Elena Isac, Lida-Maria Lottko, Stefan Rustler, Alina Degtiarova, Tory Sigmond, and Cristian Mihut. 

Once the votes were counted, it was quite clear that Stefan’s dedication for the next 3 years will be formalise in a board position as Assessor Event Management (he has already been exceptionally successful in running a few projects for the Assocaition). Alina Degtiarova is also a class representative (as Stefan Rustler) whose dedication is extending in serving on the board for the next 3 years as Assessor PR / Communication and she will soon be tasked with one of our most challenging projects – Alma Link. Elena Isac whose dedication while student at Jacobs is going to serve us as inspiration in her function as Assessor Special Projects where she will be responsible for developing services for Alumni.

The position of Vice President drew a lot of attention! The race was very close between Daniel Garcia and Mitul Jain both of whom would have been tremendous choices no matter what. Daniel did get several more votes and a simple majority elects him as the Vice President for the next 3 years and we are thrilled that he will be involved in supporting Peter and the rest of the team in building the Association’s challenging position as a multiplier of ideas.

We are also thrilled to welcome Tory and Cristian as our first two auditors to monitor that the Board handles the finances of the Association in accordance with the transparency that the Alumni deserve.

Table 1: Results of Board Elections, September 2014






Vice President

Daniel Garcia 154 23 177 47%
Mitul Jain 143 18 161 43%
Blank vote 34 4 38 10%

Assessor – Special Projects

Elena Isac 154 24 178 47%
Lida-Maria Lottko 139 12 151 40%
Blank vote 38 9 47 13%

Assessor – Event Management

Stefan Rustler 282 41 323 86%
Blank vote 49 4 53 14%

Assessor – PR / Communication

Alina Degtiarova 236 44 280 74%
Blank vote 95 1 96 26%

Auditor (Position 1)

Tory Sigmond 271 43 314 84%
Blank vote 60 2 62 16%

Autidor (Position 2)

Cristian Mihut 228 44 272 72%
Blank vote 103 1 104 28%

Total voters