Alumni Board meets in Berlin

Alumni Board meets in Berlin

In the picture: Left to right: Stefan Anca, Stephan Ziegler, Alina Degtiarova, Peter Dabrowski, Predrag Tapavicki, Daniel Garcia & Stefan Rustler.

t = -28 days was on the ticker for homecoming when the Alumni Board kicked of their 2nd meeting this year in Berlin on August 29th in the offices of Rapidape. Last prep and finalization for our main annual event were obviously a major item on the agenda. Sales via our all new ticket shop were successfully launched and expectations are high with a headcount of more than 100 participants! It will be the second ever double reunion, with the Classes of 2005 and 2010 celebrating their 10 and 5 year graduation anniversary respectively.

For the first time in more than a year the board was joined by our Alma Mater, represented by Predrag Tapavicki (Head of Corporate Relations and Talent Management) and Stephan Ziegler (Alumni and Career Services Officer). A great addition to the team, with a productive exchange and alignment on projects, such as the Generation Fund, where a close cooperation with the university is essential.

In good old tradition Saturday evening was topped off by meeting with the Berlin Local Chapter at the Prater Biergarten in Prenzlauer Berg. Keep your eyes open for our elections update and our candidates for Treasurer and Members and Content Manager and see many of you at Homecoming… t = -21 days!

Want more details on the Board Meeting content? Check out meetings here (you must be logged in to view) and, as usual. we welcome your feedback at or in comment section below.