Jacobs Career Fair – Save the Date!

Dear Alumni,

We would like to inform you about the first Jacobs Career Fair, taking place in the Campus Center / IRC on the 25th of February 2015, 14-17 hrs. please mark your calendars.

At the Jacobs Career Fair, you will have opportunities to talk directly to representatives of exciting employers – companies, organizations, research institutes and NGOs. We give our best to compose the exhibitors’ portfolio to best fit the needs of most Jacobs University students and alumni.

Some of the exhibitors will also run company presentations in our Conference Center during the fair. Additionally, you will have the possibility to visit some useful workshops or even conduct a workshop for interested students yourself (in that case please contact Petra Zarrath p.zarrath@jacobs-university.de ). We will publish the program and the full exhibitors’ catalogue on our website soon. We are still receiving registrations from employers – the list you currently see is not the final one. Please stay tuned – there will be more information about the fair, especially at the end of the Winter Intersession.

We are very excited about the first fair of such kind at our university! But: As a very small university in comparison even to mid-sized German universities, we have the challenge to really make the Career Fair alive – therefore we need the support of the whole Jacobs University community and every single student and alumni! Let us make this a success story for you and future student generations!

Best regards,

Your Career Services Center Team

In case you can’t see the embedded PDF, you can open it by clicking this link : Jacobs Career Fair 2015