Women’s International Leadership Conference

Women’s International Leadership Conference

Following a successful conference in Spring 2015, WIL will take place again in April 2016. The conference is organized by a dedicated team of Jacobs students. In spring 2015 the WIL Conference managed to bring together 200 participants from five continents through 19 speakers and workshop instructors from diverse backgrounds, such as politics, business, academia, arts and campaigns for women’s rights. Speakers, participants, cooperation partners as well as the organizers themselves regarded the conference as a huge success.


The Women’s International Leadership Conference aims to raise awareness about the misrepresentation of women in leadership positions and focuses on unleashing the potential of its participants by identifying obstacles and teaching concrete skills, herewith contributing to a more equal and better world for all genders.

Women's International Leadership Conference

WIL is a solely student-led initiative first conceptualized at Jacobs University Bremen by young women aged 18 to 23 from uniquely diverse backgrounds. We want to create a platform for advocacy, dialogue, and inspiration in the interest of advancing women’s role in the professional sphere and contributing to a higher level of gender equality in leadership positions. The conference offers an opportunity for the participants to practice their professional skills during interactive workshops and network with other conference guests and speakers. WIL is not only about, but in itself a step towards more women’s leadership.

WIL Sponsoring

The Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) provides a platform for participants across the globe to exchange with inspiring leaders in professional spheres ranging from business, to technology, from science to art and discuss the gender disparity in leadership positions. Through workshops and speeches, participants acquire crucial skills for their future careers and develop solutions to remove barriers to women’s leadership. The close interaction with speakers provided unique networking opportunities for participants, speakers and sponsors.

WIL Sponsoring

On April 18th and 19th of 2015, the first Women’s International Leadership Conference was hosted at Jacobs University Bremen. Feedback from our participations included that “the conference helped change the way I view myself, other women, and how we should network.” Further comments included that the conference inspired them, and gave them more strength to look toward the future.

To continue sharing experiences and visions regarding individual career paths, current developments in the workplace and especially the future of women’s leadership, the WIL conference will be held in Jacobs University Bremen in April 17th and 18th of 2016.

The 2016 organizing team continues to search for speakers, workshop leaders, participants, and sponsors. If interested, please contact Katherine Greig at k.greig@wil-conference.org and make sure to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter/Instagram (@wilatjacobs). We look forward to hearing from you!